How to recycle waste

How to recycle waste

  • Categories:Company News
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  • Time of issue:2021-10-18
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(Summary description)With the progress of the times, people’s living materials are constantly being replaced, and more and more waste products continue to breed, which has brought many impacts on people’s lives.

How to recycle waste

(Summary description)With the progress of the times, people’s living materials are constantly being replaced, and more and more waste products continue to breed, which has brought many impacts on people’s lives.

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-10-18
  • Views:0

With the progress of the times, people’s living materials are constantly being replaced, and more and more waste products continue to breed, which has brought many impacts on people’s lives. Therefore, how to recycle waste resources has always been a controversial topic. Many environmental experts are studying how to recycle resources. Is garbage recycling worth it?
Some people think that the garbage recycling process itself also consumes energy and generates pollution, and the resulting recycling efficiency is not high. In fact, compared with raw material processing, the energy saved by recycling is considerable.
The energy used to make aluminum from recycled products is 96% less than the energy used to make aluminum from bauxite ore.
The energy required to produce steel from shredded steel is greater than that of iron ore
The energy consumed in steelmaking is 75% less. The production of recycled paper uses 20% less energy than making paper with crude fibers.
The production of recycled glass consumes 30% less energy than remanufacturing glass.
If 20% of the waste paper and glass in the national urban garbage are recycled, then 6.9 million tons of carbon dioxide can be reduced accordingly each year.
Clever use of family "3R"
The "3R" in the "3R Garbage Recycling Law" refers to:
Reduce: Use cloth bags for shopping instead of disposable plastic bags, use glass tea cups to entertain guests instead of disposable paper cups, use toothbrushes with replaceable brush heads, buy clean vegetables in supermarkets to reduce kitchen waste, etc.
Reuse: Use empty plastic beverage bottles as pen holders, use beautiful packaging boxes as storage boxes, and use unused clothing to make home crafts.
Recycle: consciously classify paper, glass, metal, plastic and other wastes and put them in the corresponding trash bins, which is conducive to the recycling of waste.

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